I don't know anything and I feel helpless

I really don't know anything.  I don't know...
* How to change the world
* How to change my clothes
* How to safely raise kids surrounded by filth
* How to balance family dynamics
* How to balance anything
* How to overcome in life
* How to not be fake
* How to make permanent progress
* How to handle the future

I am so frustrated and I feel helpless.  What a night.  The kids were so bad I had to pull them out of the movie theater.  I almost lost it on them.  I ended up being so mad I just sent them to their rooms.  I laid on my bed and prayed- not knowing what to do.  I had already been strongly on their case the entire way home so I didn't want to blow up once we got home.  I just sent them to their rooms.

My wife was out with a friend to encourage her so I am glad I got to have time with my daughters but it was a truly horrible night.

Unfortunately, this piled right on top of some child-worries I battled all day which has to do with the fact that most songs, a fair amount of roadside billboards, a not small amount of television commercials, a ton of lurking Websites, a lot of shows, and many peer influences all surround my family with influences I am afraid of.  I am TERRIBLY afraid for the future of my kids based on the culture and environment around them which I have a difficult time protecting them from.  My wife and I are in different places as far as level of protection although we both know its important so that adds a little stress as well.

I am in a bad place tonight.  Very bad.

I add on top of the fact that I have been pure and free from sexual immorality for about the same duration as my marriage which is just shy of 13 years and the worry I have had the last couple days has been, "How am I going to stay pure for the next 13 years surrounded by the HELL that I see every day being the red-blooded man I am?"

Tough night.  Tough issues.  Its hard to be a man of God sometimes.

Lord- you know what I have to do and I don't.  So, Let's go God...

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