My Treasures #1 Jacob & Laban

I want to gradually share little "treasures" in life that have meant a lot to me. My ultimate treasures are my children and my wife but the Lord has led me through a lot and has created some additional treasures of encouragement, special happenings, testimonies of God's rescue, and special verses that mean a lot to me.

The first treasure I want to share with you happened during the last year I was a direct sales rep before I became a manager. It was the Year 2000. The software company I worked for was just figuring out how to run my new direct Inside Sales team I was a part of. They kept changing the comp plan and the rules and the quotas initially were sky-high. My fellow sales reps and I had a hard time trusting management due to the constant changes - and some of those changes were really not fair to the team.

I wrote before about how I made God my business partner this year and the first lesson the Lord taught me as part of being His business partner came from a Bible story. One of the great things the Lord does for people is take a Bible story or verse and bring it to life and help a person apply it to their situation- God does this all the time.

With my work situation uncertain and sales management making a series of changes - some of which were unfair- the Lord brought the story of Jacob and Laban from the Bible to me. I read how Jacob worked for Laban in the sheep business. Jacob was to get paid a certain way for working for Laban but Laban kept changing the way Jacob was to get paid (his compensation plan- amazing how well this ties-in to the sales world). It turns out that Laban changed Jacob's wages 10 times over a period of more than 20 years! You would think that Jacob and his family would have suffered during this time but the opposite happened. Every time Laban tried to change the compensation plan to serve his own greed- God would ensure Jacob was still blessed.

The Bible relates how Jacob served Laban honestly for all those years- and stayed faithful to God. Due to this God turned any dishonesty from his "manager" - into a blessing. Jacob trusted God so much that he stayed working for this man for more than 20 years! This doesn't mean Jacob was complacent or not an aggressive career person- he stayed until God moved him. He stayed and trusted God.

This is such a great story when you consider the job of being in sales. We have compensation plans that change- but we serve God really-- and not just people.

Let's go and trust God at work- no matter what. Lets serve honestly, work hard, and trust God He will bless us regardless of what management does. What an exceptional life of blessing and peace God will give us if we stay loyal, don't complain, and work hard because we trust God to take care of us!

Let's GO God!

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