The hope they have is the power of prayer

Oftentimes when we pray for someone- or for a group of people such as a family we are providing something incredible for them.  People who are trapped by pain or sin oftentimes cannot see or think clearly.  People whose lives are a train wreck often do not know how to fix themselves or how bad it is.  Lifestyle habits, family traits, history, and dramatic events can "program" people deeply - and all they know how to do is follow that program like a computer follows software instructions.

So, when we see a person or family surrounded by bad lifestyle choices, pain, loss, rebellion, or sin we need to keep in mind they cannot help themselves.  Its good to be compassionate toward these people who cross our paths or are in our lives because if we were in their shoes- would we do any better?

But there is a hope for this.  There is a ministry awaiting us if we will answer the call.  Are we hurt enough by seeing their situation?  Are we worried enough about the direction they are heading in- or do we just want to use them for a point of judgment or gossip?  What are we willing to do?  The hope these people have is US.  The hope they have is the power of prayer through us.

We have the ability to come before the Lord and make requests of God to help them.  God answers prayer.  He is faithful.  God always answers every prayer.  When we come before the Lord on behalf of someone we cooperate with the Holy Spirit in His work to help them, set them free, and save them.  Whether we are praying for someone to receive salvation or whether we are praying for a Believer who is afflicted in some way - either way when we pray we bring detailed problems before the Lord and we pray specifically for His help.

When we come before the Lord to pray for someone we do something they cannot do for themselves.  Through God's power we initiate change in the situation that they would not or could not ask for.  Through God's infinite vision and wisdom which He brings to all of His answers to prayer we bring life into a dead situation, hope to hopelessness, resource to poverty, freedom to the captive, healing to the sick, and help to the helpless.

The people who are in our circle of influence or who God causes us to become aware of in our lives need us.  They need intervention.  They don't need judgment and usually they are powerless to change and unable to listen to your advice.  They need someone to stand in front of the enemy with the shield of faith and the sword of the Spirit and STOP his advance in their lives.

Scripture has some pretty amazing stories of answer to prayer.  You can read the Book of 2nd Chronicles in the Bible and be very encouraged in this way.  I'll share a quick scripture in the New Testament of the Bible right now to encourage you in prayer.

The story of the Apostle Peter being imprisoned in the Book of Acts is a great lesson on prayer.  King Herod had put the Apostle Peter in prison intending to kill him.  Read what happened when the local church prayed for him:

Acts 12:5-7 "Peter was therefore kept in prison, but constant prayer was offered to God for him by the church. And when Herod was about to bring him out, that night Peter was sleeping, bound with two chains between two soldiers; and the guards before the door were keeping the prison. Now behold, an angel of the Lord stood by him, and a light shone in the prison; and he struck Peter on the side and raised him up, saying, “Arise quickly!” And his chains fell off his hands."

Peter escaped a physical prison through a miracle initiated by prayer - you and I can help people escape prisons as well.  There is nothing impossible for God and if we needed to pray a persecuted pastor out of jail  - I know God would do it.  But often, the people in our lives are in prisons of their past, their sins, and their pain.  WE can cooperate with God in the advance of His Kingdom on Earth by praying for people's freedom - and just as the church in Acts prayed for Peter's freedom and God set him free- in the same way when we pray for God's help in someone's life- He WILL come through- not just sometimes- EVERY TIME.

Its up to us, this is very urgent, there are so many people surrounding us whom NO ONE is praying for- can you imagine that?  God has chosen to act powerfully through our prayers- we cannot neglect this call.  Advance freedom, rescue people, advance God's Kingdom in the lives of the people in your circle of influence or whom God bring's to your attention- through the power of regular, faithful, and believing prayer.

Let's GO friends... and Let's GO God!

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