- 100% Deet for Mosquitos
- SPF 70 Waterproof Sunscreen
- Jerky, Clif Bars, other durable food
- Plenty of water
- Hammock
- Mosquito net
- Not too many clothes- re-wear external clothing and replace underwear and socks. Need fisherman-type quick dry, lightweight, cargo pants and shirts and other Dri-Fit clothes and same type of underwear and socks.
- Decent Knife
- Waterproof first aid kit
- Baby powder
- Waterproof headlamp and flashlight
- Large backpack, there are now waterproof ones
- Coleman roll top waterproof bag
- Lower leg wraps to prevent entry of jungle river overflowing the top of boots
- Good jungle boots, Eric had some good Keen
Top 7 things people in the Jungle need from us:
- Stairs??
- Places their animals can poop other than absolutely anywhere??
Ok seriously ..
- Medical drugs
- Access to medical care
- Education
- Hugs and love - it works, I tried it
- Our humility and respect
- Jesus, the great forgiver and redeemer
- Some way of producing income
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