Treasure #6 - "You can trust me to God"

When I was first married almost 13 years ago- I was a mess (still am in many ways).  I wrestled with lust, immorality, jealousy, insecurity, incredible sensitivity, unforgiveness, and more.  However, when I got married I made the decision to work toward coming back to the Lord, purifying my life, and seeking Him.  He had been leading me back to Himself for some time and He gave me the idea that the time of marriage was a really good time of life to make that final commitment- so I did.

I remember at the 1-year mark my wife and I had a big argument.  In the aftermath of the argument I remember making a statement to my wife, "You can trust me to God.  As long as I keep coming to Him and seeking Him - He will make the changes that are necessary in me."  That was a principal that was new to me at the time but it has become a treasure to my family and my marriage.  I have continued to seek the Lord and put Him first and He has gradually healed me, taught me, and helped me to grow in Him- and deal with some of the baggage I brought into the marriage.

My wife has seen me over-react to things, be too-easily hurt by things, be strangled by jealousy, and fight lust - but I keep telling her that if I will simply keep coming to God He will set me free.  This principle continues to prove-out in the real world and God has dealt with many of those things in me.

There is a neat scripture that sort of talks about this whole idea found in 1st Peter 2:2-4 "as newborn babes, desire the pure milk of the word, that you may grow thereby, if indeed you have tasted that the Lord is gracious.  Coming to Him as to a living stone, rejected indeed by men, but chosen by God and precious, you also, as living stones, are being built up a spiritual house, a holy priesthood...."

I like how it says that as we come to him we are built into what God intends for us- so our job is to keep coming to him and he is the builder and shaper.

Let's GO God!

Scripture provided by, scripture was in the New King James Version which is copyrighted by Thomas Nelson.

1 comment:

pilgrim said...

I finally figured out how to leave a comment on your blog. Now if I can figure out how to follow your blog it will be nice. I needed the encouragement tonight. Spending too much time on internet which is something I do when I am in severe pain. It distracts me from the physical pain. I am not sure how I got to your stuff on the internet. I run the potentiallydangerous yahoo web site about cults. All I know is I was approving some post and somehow your URL came up. Have enjoyed reading everything. I'm 69 and still struggling with all kind of stuff. Thanks for the encouragement tonight.