Put God First Test - Follow up Report

I did a 30-day "Put God First Test" that ended 3 weeks ago today.  I essentially went to bed by 10:45 or so each day to wake-up by 6:15 or so and pray and spend time with God before work.  Prior to this I would have worked on my job until 11, 12, or 1am - I was working like crazy trying to be proactive for my job but I ended up with an idol in my heart- my job.

I wanted to give an update report 3 weeks after the "Put God First Test" ended.  First of all I have continued to go to bed at a reasonable time and get up to spend time with the Lord each morning- I really have a strong habit of this now. 

Spending time with the Lord has definitely helped me grow in the Lord and prioritize my time.  When you have to plan your whole day around getting to bed so you can wake up to pray- you think about time management more - so that's been helpful.

The big thing I want to mention is this: the reason I was working so hard late into the night was to be proactive with my job, but it really wasn't working very well.  I was getting exhausted and I wasn't getting that much proactive work done.  However NOW I am finding I am getting a lot of proactive things done for work.  In fact, last week I had luxury amounts of time to get proactive things done- I drank it like water and worked on more than a couple of things that will impact my company and all of our sales team for a long time to come.  I even submitted a product idea last week.

My conclusion is this- I'll take spending time with God and trust Him to multiply and bless me vs. working myself to death and ignoring God.  God has shown Himself faithful, powerful... and even proactive.

Let's Go God!

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