"Put God First Test" - Day #11 - "A Key Life Resource"

I am in the midst of a test in which I spend time with God each day and I don't work into the wee hours of the night for my job anymore in order to stay caught up.  I am in an experiment to show (myself primarily) that a person can put God first, seek first his kingdom, and spend time with God daily.  The experiment seeks to show that if a person does put God first then not only will a crazy job and life not fall apart- it will thrive.

Wow am I hurting today.  My oldest daughter got so hurt by a friend.  It hurts so much worse when its your child and not yourself.  I don't have anything to say about this other than that I prayed for her and I am trusting the Lord with her.

I found out yesterday on a customer call that I am losing a pretty good sized account.  We were not made aware by the customer of some areas of dissatisfaction they had.  Our competitor also has a feature the customer likes and the new VP used to use that competitor.  I tried everything I knew- to no avail.

So, yesterday was pretty hard in some ways, there were good things too however- it didn't all just go one way.  I am trusting God in the midst of the situation- I am leaning on him even as these trials happen.

With those who have been saved by Jesus Christ and walk in him we have resources that the world cannot understand.  Trials still happen, temptations still happen, personal failings, and conflicts still happen but the beautiful thing is we have many key resources that are available to us even if we may be overwhelmed by the situation.  I only have time to cover one of those resources this morning.

 A Key Life Resource:
There are powerful spiritual and practical lessons we are given in the midst of darkness, conflict, or storm that come to us through reading the Bible.  The Lord will actively illuminate the words on the page of our Bibles if we will read them- this is one of the key ways he speaks to his people, helps them, and guides them.  We should really read the Bible every day and not just during a difficult time much like we wouldn't only eat a meal during a tough time - but on a regular basis so we can live and have strength.

There are many ways the Lord speaks to us when we read the word.  When we are reading the Word we may notice a verse - it may catch our eye in some way.  When we are reading something might speak very similarly to something we are going through.  Or, when we are reading it-  the teaching may give us just the right way of handling a current situation.

Its amazing how I will read the Word of God when I have a need and how he will speak to me through Bible reading.  I encourage you to try this.  In fact I noticed that my Psalm of the day speaks to some of the hurt my family and I are dealing with today--- its no surprise its the norm.  Don't be robbed of this blessing- get in the Bible daily yourself and trust God to speak to you.  God speaks quite often to us when we read the Bible- go enjoy the blessing!

 Bible Passage:
8 You number my wanderings;
   Put my tears into Your bottle; 
   Are they not in Your book?(NKJV)

Well, with the difficulties of yesterday- you can see the Lord had some quite kind encouragement for us today.  I love you God.

Go enjoy the Bible and the Lord will bless, help, and speak to your situation too.  Lets GO God.

Scriptures provided by Biblegateway.com and the New King James Version of the Bible is Copyrighted by Thomas Nelson.  Thanks guys!

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