It didn't mean anything at the time

In today's devotional time my Psalm of the day didn't really speak to me.  I like it when what I read addresses something I am dealing with.  I fought with my Psalm today and struggled to read it over and over - trying to get something out of it.  Ultimately it was mostly a non-starter and it didn't mean anything at the time...

Well, I had something interesting happen - I came home this evening to open up that Psalm to the family to read it to them before bedtime- and 3-4 verses truly spoke to me.  I explained the tie-in of what I was reading to our present circumstances to my wife and she got it too.  It led to a short discussion around the challenge we faced today with my oldest daughter and the two of us.  Pretty neat.

So, although my Psalm really meant nothing to me this morning- tonight it was like light poured out of the Psalms... a light to our path.  Encouraging.

The lesson I take from what happened here is this.  My job is to come to the Lord, seek Him, spend time with Him- and yes read His Word as part of that time of seeking.  And like so many other areas of this spiritual life- I should not hold the Lord to my expectation of what "should" happen in a quiet time or when reading the Word.  His timing is perfect- His application of His Word is also perfect. 

I should have trusted the Lord.  I should have come to the Lord in trust, spent time with Him, and left the results to Him- glad I learned this lesson (again) tonight.

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