The 30 Day Experiment

My life is so busy, and I know the lives of many people are also.  Right now I am juggling a busy family, an all-consuming job (I love it but still-- its all-consuming), struggling to find time for a Web project I have, trying to squeeze in a little ministry time, and yes... among all of that trying to find time to spend with God.

The spending time with God aspect is the part I feel the worst about.  I have barely been able to squeeze any time in for the Lord even though for my job in the past 3 weeks I have worked after the family goes to bed until 1am or later in the morning about 5 times.  So, I am prioritizing all of my time on my job and family, I don't have time for my Web projects at all, and my time with the Lord has been gradually slipping.

So I had to ask myself today- who is my greatest desire?  Well my time investment says my job is my greatest desire- its really uncomfortable to say that because I can't imagine it being true but the fact is- my job is on the throne of my heart right now.  I have an idol controlling my life.

I was speaking with another Director at my company yesterday and she said "this place will consume you- it'll become your life".  It was startling because what she said wasn't spiritual at all - but the Lord brought my attention to what she said and I realized this had happened to me.

I want to make a difference at this company- I refuse to come in and just punch a clock.  I refuse to allow process deficiencies, system enhancements, and sales improvements to sit there with no one working on them.  If I have to spend my life working at a job - then darn it I want to make improvements- I want to make a difference.  So, that is the passion behind my idolatry- it really has positive roots to it but I have let it dominate things.

Why did I let my job become a dominant force in my life?  Well, you see the Lord is quiet and meek.  Yes, he's all-powerful but he won't force himself on people- even his own kids.  He woos us slowly, he teaches us, he is patient, and he is gentle- that's great but it means that a loud and urgent job and life with many problems, time sensitive issues, to-do items, deadlines, quotas, and loud/needy people can sometimes appear more real and relevant than someone who is quiet, invisible, and forgiving.

The slipping was slow at first - its not like you set out to grow cold in your walk.  Its not like you even stop talking to the Lord- however the priority of spending time with him slowly takes a back-burner.

I have to look in the mirror today - do I want to be close to God?  Do I want to make a difference at work only- or do I want God to be my center and trust that he will work together with me at work to make a difference?

Tithing is the concept of giving 10% of our income to God and trusting that if we do that he will bless the rest and protect us.  God was so firm on the blessing and protection he would provide if people tithed that in Micah chapter 3 he literally said "test me in this and see if I do not pour out blessings so great you cannot contain them" (that's the idea not a direct quote).  My family already tithes  - but what if I tested him in spending time with him first and every day without fail?  What if I tested him that if I delight myself in him like it says in Psalm 37 - he will give me the desires of my heart?  What if I tested him in the verse where it says "Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness and all these things will be added to you"?

I am going to start an experiment today. I am going to keep it simple.  Spend time in prayer and the Bible with God each morning and at least read a chapter in the Bible before I go to bed also- simple.  Do this daily for 30 days to give it some time.  For those 30 days I will blog on this blog my time with the Lord and any observations or results from this test.

Stay tuned for my first time with the Lord, blogged publicly, and stay tuned for the next 30 days for my experiment.  Let's see what God will do --- and feel free to start your own experiment!

1 comment:

Kelly in TX said...

Awesome, Brian! Thanks for the nudge!
