Part 8: "Finding a Way Forward- When I struggle with depression..."

I am in an 8-part blog series dealing with areas of struggle I have experienced - and how I am learning to work through them with God's help.

I discovered that I was battling with depression probably 16 years ago.  I remember the time.   I don't know if I have always had it or not, I suspect it has been cyclical and that I have dealt with it throughout adult life.

I've shared in other parts of this series some areas I have struggled with and those certainly can/and have been trigger-points for depression.  However, there is a real fire-breathing problem here that may sometimes occur from the trigger of a struggle - and other times may happen, seemingly, for no reason.

What's depression like?
In my experience there are degrees of depression.  When it comes it is like a profound sadness that washes over me for no apparent reason- a sadness I can't reason away.  I can't just shake it off or "get over it".  I am functional when this happens but sometimes it is so strong its suffocating.

The chemical issue
I don't take medication for depression.  However, a couple of years ago when I started taking fish oil for heart and brain health I noticed, around the 3rd day, that my depression had lifted like a curtain and that I was pretty "even" or "level" inside.  I accidentally discovered something that helped!  I now take fish oil, unfailingly, every day along with my other vitamins.  If I miss a couple days of fish oil I have had depression creep back noticeably.  Even on the fish oil I am not perfect but it seems to reduce the problem and keep me more "even" or balanced.  I highly recommend it.

Four things that have helped me with depression:
  1. Supplement - Daily fish oil supplement
  2. Talk about it - I share with my wife, quite openly, if depression hits me.  Sharing it out-loud seems to help take the edge off.  The tough thing with depression is suffering alone.  It seems to me many human struggles are helped by sharing with someone.
  3. Give thanks - Two Summers ago, on vacation, I was dealing with depression triggered by a work situation.  After sharing with my wife she suggested I give thanks for the situation.  She had recently heard the Bible teaching of giving thanks in all circumstances.  She said, "What if, when the Bible says to give thanks, its not just because we SHOULD do it.  What if there are functional reasons for giving thanks in every situation?"  I was really battling with the issue so I said I would try it.  As we were walking together I said a prayer of thanks about the work issue - and in a moment I felt different; it was like something left me- instant relief.
  4. Praying and asking for help - I wish I would remember more quickly when battling with depression to ask for help.  I often don't remember to pray for help on this and suffer alone...  God wants to be involved but I often forget to ask.

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