Final Day- "Put God First Test" - Day #30 - "In conclusion"

Today is the final day of my 30-day "Put God First Test".  My job was out of control and I was working every night after the kids went to sleep until 11:30, 12:00, 1:00, and even later.  I realized I had an idol on the throne of my heart- workaholism.  The idol threatened me that I would never make a difference, I would never be significant, and I would never stay caught up at work unless I worshiped him by driving myself insanely hard at work- and after work.  Every day I went in to work in order to try to make a difference and every day I was so busy and so consumed by the urgency of the hour that I rarely had time to be proactive.  My idea was that if I worked every night late after the kids went to bed the insanity of my work wouldn't affect my family.  I believed a lie.  I thought that the only value I bring to my family is being available to them.  I didn't realize by neglecting God I was neglecting a treasure I could have given to my family.

So, I have been in a 30-day test of putting God first in my life.  This involved still working hard at work but shutting down work stuff at a reasonable hour and getting some sleep- then waking up early to pray and spend time with God.  I really enjoyed the time with the Lord and 30-days was long enough to form a fairly strong habit as well.  I learned to really plan my day toward getting to bed at a reasonable time, learned to try to focus hard at work to knock out as much as possible during working hours, I am delegating more at work, and I even have prayed for help maybe a few times more than normal- yes He helped with those items too!

What I want to embark on now is simply continuing a life of seeking the Lord even more.  What will happen to me, my life, and my family if I devote myself to seeking Him?  What will happen if I continue to put Him first?

I'll keep blogging daily and tweeting.  I've really enjoyed that.  It has been a neat way to share things along the way as the Lord as shared them with me.

So... one more time.. but not the last - Let's GO God!

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